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The History Of Wushu


Go back to the ancient roots of Wushu into centuries. The earliest traces of it can be found, perhaps even in the primeval era. And I totally know that during the time of the Zhou dynasty (XI-III centuries b.c.) in China in addition to the ritual combat dances existed struggle czaoli which, along with archery, shooting and art management chariot was one of the major military exercises. Visionary leaders saw in wushu-or, more precisely, its proobraze is the key to building a strong army and became operational effective techniques to teach his soldiers. Went century and military arts "firmly occupied its place in the system of military training.
From the third century a new era on the development of Wushu growing influence was beginning to Taoism and Buddhism. Wushu reaches its heyday in the walls of the monasteries. Psihotrening and methods of psycho-physical self-control, are integral features of both Taoism and Buddhism (especially its Chinese version-Chan), significantly enriched the Wushu. It was during this time that is productive Alliance military iskusstv"i of traditional Chinese medicine with the teachings on specific points on your body and the channels of circulation of vital energy qi in the body. Under the influence of the Union created new styles and schools of traditional gymnastics. But the main source was the richest experience people, had gymnastics Wushu, its traditions and was carefully peredavavšego them from generation to generation. 
Gradually from Wushu as a traditional "military art" are beginning to be allocated a new quality of Wushu sports Wushu-view. Militant movements became a retreat for the contents, in practice there are more plastic, beauty, and even elements of dance. Nature has changed much of Wushu. But it is, perhaps, the uniqueness of this phenomenon that, combining the features of boxing, wrestling, acrobatics, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, Wushu can satisfy demands of the most popular amateur sport. 
Now there are several hundred in Wushu is not similar to each other. This variety of styles-the result as a centuries-old history of the development of wushu and its wide dispersion across the vast expanses of the celestial Kingdom. This has left a mark on complex classification in gymnastics.First, a system of exercises razelilis to external and internal areas-the first with an emphasis on strength training and speed ("long fist" shaolin school), the second-with an emphasis on the mobilization of "vital energy," qi (School of Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua). Then the great Yangtze Council River has a natural geographical boundary become of the northern (huaquan, chatsyuan, tantuy, ditatsyuan, fantszytsyuan) and southern (school Hong, Liu. Cai, Li, Mo, yunchun, utszts) directions. On the northern and southern currents collapsed and shaolin school, developed mainly by the efforts of several European monasteries. And that's not all. Many schools have in their arsenal of Wushu exercises with shells-sport versions of past eras, variety of weapons which tens. Finally, the original branch of the Chinese "military arts" are the so-called podražatel′nye styles-"beast" school: Eagle, monkey, bogomola, etc.; school drunk. As can be seen both in the South and in the North, both in external and internal systems. 
In this labyrinth of schools to easily get lost. We told only about one of them-the external Northern shaolin.
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