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Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Karatedo Sitoryu and Kenva Mabuni


Karatedo Sitoryu was faunded by Kenva Mabuni.He was born 14th of November 1889 on Syuri Okinava.He was the represodent of the most famous family of the 17th generation.The family was founded by Kenyo Osiro,who was the great soldier of Ryuykoo Kingdoom.In his childhoodhe had very good health but he had been heard bouth hissoldier by his relatives told stories,and began to dream of being strong and worth his family.Than he listend to their advise and entered karate school at the age of 13.
Mabunis first and stubburn teacher was the great master Anko Itossoo,who taugh Kenva 23 Kata,with its secrets.Mabuni trained very hard and never missed any training wen during taiphun.So,during seven years he studied Syuri Karate or Syurite craft.When Kenva was 20 years old,he took his friends,Todcyun Miagi,advice and studied at great master of Nahate,Higaona Kanro and began study Naha karate.At master Aragaki,hi things was the main creation of Sitoryu karate style.After he left the secondery school and served the army.Kenva Mabuni worked at police almost during these years he actively occupied Judo and Kendo,as these things were involved in police training.Being master of karatedo,he wanted to gether all the things and karate technics of many styles. 
Working at police abd being in bussiness trip in different contries,he hed chance to study other technical styles to know other masters techics.He paid a great attention to the ancient vart of Ryokan Budo. 
The begining of the 20th cenfury become the widespread time of karate.Becose of the official recognition the karate as on individual subject was indevided in the educationial programm of the secondary schools.The difficulties of that period were lying in the fact,that the united methods of the teaching were missing at the vast of the treniers,the pupillary and skilful degrees of the methods for classification werent stated.Just in this period for many masterss the main inportance of learnig was the phyisical training and the amplification of the sports of the shock,in work with makivara and doing other exercises. 
During that years Kenva Mabuni started the activity of lecturing.He buil the departament of karate with his teacher deeply to learn about that art.On the 13-th of februry in 1918,was born his elder son Keney.At the same year Kenva Mabuni activated the function of making popular karate,and he was supported by many famous masters.At the meeting at Mabunis house,which was dewoted to the progress art and unification of the fighting art,many times were attended Gitin Funacosi,Tyodzu Osirou,Tyosin Tibana,Anboun Tokuda,Simpa Sirowa,Seyoto Sokumura,Hoko Isikavan.During one of the krate art public shows in 1918 when was organized by K.Mabuni,the princes Kuni and Kaho were present. 
In 1924 Kenva Mabuni become the coach of the two karatedo establishments and was deserved of the honor to show his art beforeprnice Titibu. 
In 1920 Mbuni with other famous masters organized the club of Okinawa karate,wich permitted to commit his immemorial dream to create stationary dodzyo for training.Mabuni was one of the active members of the association of the study of on Okinawa art.At works of association there were olso participated many qualificated masters of Okinawa.Such as Tyoyu Motobu,Miyagi Todzyun,Hanasiro Tyomon,Kiyoda Dzyuhangu and many others. 
They were discussing different observances of tricks and application features,they were training together and wen exploringthe history of karate together.The most important things during the trining were the phisical training and the practising of kumite.The students werent exploring the technical elements,and the tricks were shown directly during the fightings.The education training was performed by the numerous replating of the practic tricks.The technic of each master had its own personal feature.The 1927 become faithful for Kenva Mabuni life.That year he met Dzigaro Kanoy the founder of modern karate,who came to Okinava for the judo training,to open dodzyo Todzyu Miyagi and Kenva Mabuni had an opportunity to show and explain to Dzigaro Kanoyi the tricks of karatedo.Dzigaro was fond of karate as a kind of fighting art,wich conected the opportunities of pratection and attack,and marhed theimportance of its in national scale.Receiving Dz. Kanoweys argument Kenva Mabuni with ones of his student Konisi Yasuhiro travele to Japan swered times.In 1929 he settled in Japanese town Osaka,where training in different stadions at the some time he devoted to the separation and dewelopmendof Sitoryu Karatedo.Karate being Okinava fighting art,come mony difficulties for Kenva Mabuni at the begining part of remove info Osaka which were the reason of false and reproducing of karatedo.K.Mabuni tooks exhibited performances at the police stating universities,and when at the temples of Budha.For a mass it was were difficult to understand the Katta,as it was called Boxing dances.Mabuni had to show tamesivara wich was the breaking of lreck and board. 
Wich showed the whole power of the new fighting art.Though the all difficulties Kenva Mabuni stayed faithful his true to the chosen way His titan forces had a success and as aresult orgnization was created in 1931,wich was recallded Nihon Karatedo further,wich become modern Sitokas predecessor.Many of the founders of <<Day Kihon Karatedo Kayi>> were Kenva Mabuni students.Dhey still form the Japanes Karatedo federations newcleus nowadays and continue to passthe Kenva Mabunis fighting art to their students.In 1934 the master succeeded openhis own dodzyon Yosyukan in Osaka. 
Kenva Mabuni was the first amongthe Okinavian masters who inforduced central Japan to karate fighting art.After the World war 2 next to the colleges and universites karatedo clubs were rebuilt.University teams games started to take part and after the Japanes national championship took part.Though the hard state of the economy in which was the Japany,after losing the World War 2 ,Kenva Mbuni put a big effort in recovery of the country with the help of spreading karatedo,devoted him to the development of Sitoryu Karatedo.On the 23rd of many in 1952 he left this life and he couldnt manage to breathe life info his all plans.

The History Of Wushu

Go back to the ancient roots of Wushu into centuries. The earliest traces of it can be found, perhaps even in the primeval era. And I totally know that during the time of the Zhou dynasty (XI-III centuries b.c.) in China in addition to the ritual combat dances existed struggle czaoli which, along with archery, shooting and art management chariot was one of the major military exercises. Visionary leaders saw in wushu-or, more precisely, its proobraze is the key to building a strong army and became operational effective techniques to teach his soldiers. Went century and military arts "firmly occupied its place in the system of military training.
From the third century a new era on the development of Wushu growing influence was beginning to Taoism and Buddhism. Wushu reaches its heyday in the walls of the monasteries. Psihotrening and methods of psycho-physical self-control, are integral features of both Taoism and Buddhism (especially its Chinese version-Chan), significantly enriched the Wushu. It was during this time that is productive Alliance military iskusstv"i of traditional Chinese medicine with the teachings on specific points on your body and the channels of circulation of vital energy qi in the body. Under the influence of the Union created new styles and schools of traditional gymnastics. But the main source was the richest experience people, had gymnastics Wushu, its traditions and was carefully peredavavšego them from generation to generation. 
Gradually from Wushu as a traditional "military art" are beginning to be allocated a new quality of Wushu sports Wushu-view. Militant movements became a retreat for the contents, in practice there are more plastic, beauty, and even elements of dance. Nature has changed much of Wushu. But it is, perhaps, the uniqueness of this phenomenon that, combining the features of boxing, wrestling, acrobatics, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, Wushu can satisfy demands of the most popular amateur sport. 
Now there are several hundred in Wushu is not similar to each other. This variety of styles-the result as a centuries-old history of the development of wushu and its wide dispersion across the vast expanses of the celestial Kingdom. This has left a mark on complex classification in gymnastics.First, a system of exercises razelilis to external and internal areas-the first with an emphasis on strength training and speed ("long fist" shaolin school), the second-with an emphasis on the mobilization of "vital energy," qi (School of Taiji, Xingyi, Bagua). Then the great Yangtze Council River has a natural geographical boundary become of the northern (huaquan, chatsyuan, tantuy, ditatsyuan, fantszytsyuan) and southern (school Hong, Liu. Cai, Li, Mo, yunchun, utszts) directions. On the northern and southern currents collapsed and shaolin school, developed mainly by the efforts of several European monasteries. And that's not all. Many schools have in their arsenal of Wushu exercises with shells-sport versions of past eras, variety of weapons which tens. Finally, the original branch of the Chinese "military arts" are the so-called podražatel′nye styles-"beast" school: Eagle, monkey, bogomola, etc.; school drunk. As can be seen both in the South and in the North, both in external and internal systems. 
In this labyrinth of schools to easily get lost. We told only about one of them-the external Northern shaolin.

All About Healthy Lifestyle

Every normal person seeks to live his life happily ever after. But if all we do for this? If we analyze every step of our typical day, most of all, everything is the exact opposite
Every normal person seeks to live his life happily ever after. But if all we do for this? If we analyze "every step" of our typical day, most of all, everything is the "exact opposite". Most "extremals" in the morning, barely getting out of bed as biorobots going to work or school, day nervous over nothing, gorge themselves at the table, arguing with family, friends and colleagues envy, put all the forces and means to purchase fashionable thing or another "toy for adults, "the evening relaxing on the couch with TV, and the output dream to have a barbecue grill, or engage in "shopping ". Others, not all but many, spend your day, duplicating this way of life to a greater orlesser degree. 
The natural consequence of such a lifestyle is the disease, nerve disorders, and problems at work and at home. Diseases we treat drugs, most of which have many side effects that one is treated, and the other maimed. Problems, depending on sex, "stuck" or "wash down". The circle is closed and can only break it by making a sharp turn in the lifestyle. A healthy way of life is understood best mode of work and rest, a balanced diet, adequate physical activity, personal hygiene, tempering, no bad habits, love for people, a positive outlook on life. A healthy lifestyle can be a healthy old age mentally, morally and physically. 
I hope that the materials on this site will help you in developing healthy lifestyles and solve your problems in life. Here you will find a synthesis of the health impact of exercise and physical training on the human body, the materials on how supplies such as vegetarianism, divided food, raw food, food for blood, how to cleanse the body, as well as what types of relationships can get a person and as deal with the most terrible of them: alcoholism and drug addiction. In the self you will find advice on getting rid of their health problems on their own. 
Not all recommendations can help you. Before using any advice, consult a physician about available contraindications. Be sure to read the article "Tips forhealing" (average horizontal menu: healthy living / healthy subtlety). In addition to materials on the health website also contains materials for different types of physical education and fitness, the most common types of hobbies for men and women, whose presence in a person's life is not a fad, but an integral component of a healthy lifestyle. 
Physiotherapy has two points of influence on the human body - the universal and extra. Universal physical education is to effect flow of life force, directly proportional to the duration and intensity of the load to compensate for the excess energy, as well asincreasing the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors. An additional effect of physical training is associated with the restructuring of the cardiovascular system. It consists in the formation of a lower demand of the heart for oxygen. Adequate physical activity and exercise can stop a serious age-related changes invarious organs. At any age with physical exercise can increase the probability of being healthy and endurance level - indicators of biological age of an organism and its viability. As such, the health benefits physical exercise is associated primarily with the elaboration of a reduced demand for oxygen and its strengthening. 
Improving physical performance is accompanied by a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: reduced body weight due to fat mass, reduced cholesterol, blood pressure and etc. In addition, regular physical education classes allow you to slow down the aging oforgans and systems, especially bone and muscle. In particular, increases bone mineralization and calcium content in the body, which is the prevention of osteoporosis. It also increases the flow of lymph to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, which ensures the absence of artoza and degenerative disc disease. 
Many people do not engage in physical exercise, because they think it is very busy and physically prepared. One of the reasons - it is the perceived conclusion that in order to exercise useful, exercise should be intense, and they need to do at least half an hour every day. Experts also think that it is not necessary to do physical exercises continuously. Lesson can be divided into portions of the dwarf, combining them with the familiar, but more intense workload. For example, in the morning you go to the bus stop a fast pace, and then stroll in the evening for another 15 minutes. If a day (every day) recruited 30 minutes of exercise a stronger, then you are on the way to a heal thier lifestyle. At the very least, you can workout in the morning and evening for 15 minutes at home on the elementary gym.

The History Of Karate

Western (non-Japanese) students may be interested to know that the Japan Karate Association emphasizes Karate's character-building aspects, in which respect for one's opponent (sportsmanship) is the cardinal principle. The maxims which are taught to the students can be summarized in the following five words
Karate is a Japanese word meaning "Empty Hands" indicating that Karate is a Martial Art that does not require weapons other than the parts of the body, but, also means that the practitioner of Karate should strive to empty his/her mind of aggression. Originally, Karate was a method of unarmed self-defence developed in the Okinawan Islands from various techniques introduced from mainland China, as well as local innovations up until the late 19th century, the various karate techniques were practiced and taught within relatively small regions. Example: A particular technique would be taught in one village and never revealed to outsiders. After 1900, great interest was shown in teaching karate to larger groups of the general public and certain karate experts developed distinct 'styles'. In the 1920's, an Okinawan school teacher, Gichin Funakoshi, introduced an organized method of karate to Japan, which became immediately popular. The art of Karate is a system of combat developed on the island of Okinawa. Karate may allow you to defeat an opponent by the use of striking and kicking. The students practice hard physical training to develop fighting skills.This training requires strenuous physical and mental discipline. Karate helps with the development of a strong character and builds a feeling of respect toward our fellow man. The study of Karate, therefore, may be valuable to all people, male and female, young and old alike. 
The literal meaning of the two Japanese characters which make up the word Karate is "empty hands." This, of course, refers simply to the fact that Karate originated as a system of self-defense which relied on the effective use of the unarmed body of the practitioner. This system consisted of techniques of blocking or thwarting an attack and counter-attacking the opponent by punching, striking or kicking. The modern art of Karate has developed out of a thorough organization of these techniques. As a physical art, Karate is almost without equal. Since it is highly dynamic and makes balanced use of a large number of body muscles, it provides excellent all-around exercise and develops coordination and agility. 
Karate as a means of self-defense has the oldest history, going back hundreds of years. It is only in recent years that the techniques which have been handed down were scientifically studied and the principles evolved for making the most effective use of the various moves of the body. Training based on these principles and knowledge of the working of the muscles and the joints and the vital relation between movement and balance enable the modern student of Karate to be prepared, both physically and psychologically, to defend himself successfully against any would-be assailant. Many girls and women in Japan have taken up Karate because, in addition to its usefulness as self-defense, it is especially good for the figure. It is widely practiced by both children and older people as a means of keeping in top physical condition, and many schools are promoting it as a physical art among their students. 
Western (non-Japanese) students may be interested to know that the Japan Karate Association emphasizes Karate's character-building aspects, in which respect for one's opponent (sportsmanship) is the cardinal principle. The maxims which are taught to the students can be summarized in the following five words.
Present day Karate is categorized into four parts -- physical conditioning, self defense, mental conditioning, and a sport. Although its origin is obscure, a popular story prevails that credits the Indian Priest Daruma or Bodhidharma (525 A.D.) with its birth. However, other great men such as Hua T'o (190-265 A.D.), a brilliant doctor, and Yuen Fei, a popular general of the Sung Dynasty, (960-1275 A.D.) are also considered forefathers of Karate. 
Karate was originally known as 'Kenpo', meaning 'First Law'. From China it crossed over to Okinawa, where known as 'Te', it consisted mostly of hand movements. In 1923 the Okinawans changed the Chinese character to a Japanese character. Thus, the meaning changed from 'hands of China' to ' empty hand'. This transition assuredly brought about a deeper meaning to the art in which the spiritual overcame the physical. As a sport, Karate has a relatively short history. Contest rules have been devised, however, and it is now possible to hold actual matches as in other competitive sports. because of the speed, the variety of techniques, and the split-second timing it calls for, many athletic-minded people have come to show an interest in competitive Karate and there is every indication that it will continue to grow in popularity. Two experts form Okinawa, Kenwa Mabuni and Gigen Funakoshi introduced their techniques to Japan in 1916. Their aim was to promote Karate as a sport throughout Japan. 
Before its introduction to Okinawa, many styles of the art existed throughout China. Each style or system was generally noted for a distinct feat --- developing the tiger claw, butterfly kick, panther punch, etc. In addition, the various systems jealously guarded their techniques and trained in secret. Among the systems of Southern China stemming from the Shaolin or Shorinji temple, were Hung, Liu, Ts'ai or Choy, Li and Mo. Other Cantonese as well as northern systems have found their way to the United States. In the last seven decades, the techniques have been modified into distinct Japanese styles Shoto-kan, Shudo-kan, Wado-ryu, Chitsoe-ryu and others. Many of these styles are currently taught in the United States and are often modified into styles more suitable to American methods of self defense. Thus the art of karate is constantly undergoing improvement and revision.

The History Of Boxing

The same story was repeated in the next Olympic Games, which took place in 1908, of course only in English version
It is known that in order to deeply appreciate the present and to imagine the future with approximate accuracy it is also necessary to know the past. It is natural, that even the brief information about the history of boxing is considered one of the integral fields of the theory of boxing. Boxing is considered to be a sport of all time. It was originated 5000 years ago in Egypt, which is the homeland of the world oldest civilization. People began to use boxing as a competitive exercise 2000 years ago, and as a sport – in 688 before our times. The international Boxing Federation was created in 1920. During the specified periods boxing penetrated to Greece through Crete Island and spread all over the world. 
Boxing has its own honorable place in the program of the ancient Greek Olympic Games. According to the first data a Greek boxer Onomastus was the winner of the 23rd Olympic Games held in 688 BC. 
For participation in Olympic Games fight competition a boxer must receive the right from the special committee. For this purpose he should have some triumphs as a result of fighting with known boxers and at least a 12-month experience before competitions. After receiving that right and before the beginning of the fighting a boxer must be trained in special gyms by proficient coaches. In those days there was no weight classification. Boxers used to wrap their hands with soft leather gloves instead of sports gloves. 
Leather bags -filled with kernel, flour and sand- were used as sports instruments. 
In Art as well as in Boxing Greeks paid much attention to the beauty of the fighting, and it is natural, that they were first to use “skiamakhia”, which is a Greek word and means a match with shadow. 
Greek boxers used to be trained with so much pleasure and beauty that for the best ones, for example for Slavdia Katistiani, a statue was erected. 
The main feature of the rules for conducting battles of early periods was that boxers had a freedom to maintain the fighting, which used to lead to the cruelty of emulous boxers, and because of which women were not allowed to watch the fighting according to the Olymic Games program. The history mentions a case: Kalpiatra - the daughter of Diagor, who was the winner of the 79th Olympic Games, decided to wear a man`s clothes and be present at the fighting of her son; she was his coach. After her son`s victory she was so animated that jumped over the fence and it was soon turned out that she was a woman. 
The audience demanded to subject her to death but soon they forgave her, taking into account the fact, that her father, husband, 3 brothers and two sons had been the winners of Olympic Games for different periods. Diagor`s family won 8 gold medals in Olympic games. After that incident it was decided that boxers, their coaches and referees must come to a fighting place in a naked condition. The fact of being so dedicated to boxing has not been forgotten and it is natural, that in 1996 in honor of Greek and 100th anniversary of Olympic Games among the stamps published by AIBA there was one, depicting two grandsons of Feruk Diagor, carrying his body on their shoulders. His heart punctured from joy, after his second grandson`s victory and right after he was granted the title of Olympic games champion. Such stamp was first published in 1937. 
Greek people were of opinion that champions had the right to erect their statues but not image ones. Only in case of being a winner for 3 times a boxer got right to erect his image statue. This law was violated by the supporters of the Olympic Games Champion from Artashat, Varazdat Arshakuni/later - the Armenian King: they were going to erect his statue in the Olypmic stadium at the bottom of the mountain Olympia, but soon it was sent back from Greece to Artashat, and, unfortunately, until now it is still missing. 
Greek boxers have always been famous for longevity of sporting activities. Thus, a greek boxer Tisandro Naso was the winner of 4 Olympic games in 572-564 BC, and a popular Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras participated in boxing matches during Olympic Games of the 1st century BC. He organized a school of Mathematics in Kreton, where along with algebra and philosophy he taught boxing, wrestle and pankriation/sports, where they were allowed to use boxing and wrestle tricks. Pyutagoras`s pupil Milon managed to win the title of the Olympic Games Boxing Champion for 6 times. There is also another long-lived boxer – Teagenas from the town Tagos of Greece, who during 20 years of being engaged in boxing won 1400 fighting. 
The Olympic Games continue to take place even after Greece being occupied by Rome. As a result of Greco-Romanic competition in sports field many sports, including boxing, lost their real appearance and content, not yielding to gladiators by the cruelty of fighting. Besides the above-mentioned circumstances the main reason of the decline in Olympic Games was the genesis of Christianity, the ideology of which did not pay attention to human body and earthly life. In 394 according to the order of the Emperor of Rome Teodos, set in Milan, Olympic Games, as well as Boxing matches were terminated. Although the obstacles for Olympic Games have a negative influence on their further development, it is still maintained by many people.
The English did their best for Boxing revival, particularly a boxer James Fig, who in 1719 founded the Boxing Academy. James Fig was a popular master of mono-struggle sports: a good wrestler, an excellent sop-warrior, he also knew all the tricks with sop and sticks, and his pupil John Brownton, a professional boxer, the first champion of England, who was considered to be the father of modern boxing, created the project of modern boxing gloves on the basis of tough gloves/ with leather ribbons. 
On August 10, 1743, the rules of competitions, formulated by him, were published, and in honor of him they were called “Brownton Code”. 
The history of modern boxing begins from the second half of the last century, when in 1865 so called “Marquis Quinsber`s rules” came into effect in England. This name is not quite right, as Marquis only made them mass, and the real author of the above-mentioned rules was John-Graham Chambers. Ring sizes, round duration, weight of gloves, and definition of knockout – all of them are mentioned in those rules. The items, listed in the Rules have been preserved to our days. 
In 1896 after a long break by the initiative of a French Pier de Coubertin modern Olympic Games were again established. Boxing was included in the program of Olympic Games in 1904 only, during the 3rd games held in Saint Luis in America. Because of the bad job of the organizers of the contest, boxers from the other countries could not participate in it, and Americans were the winners in all the weight categories. 
The same story was repeated in the next Olympic Games, which took place in 1908, of course only in English version. 
The representatives of 3 countries also participated in those competitions – one of them was from Australia, two of them were from Denmark, and seven - from France. 
It was only an Australian L. Beyker among all the foreigners, who managed to win a silver medal. 
Boxing competitions were not foreseen in the program of the 5th Olympic Games, which took place in 1912 in Stockholm/ Sweden/, as in those years boxing was under a ban. 
The first amateur Boxing Association was founded in 1881 in England, in 1888 in America, in 1903 in France. 
In 1920 International Boxing Federation /IBF/ was created, which was reorganized in 1946 as the Amateur International Boxing Association/AIBA/, the first president of which was Emil Gremo/French Boxing Federation president. 
The Amateur Boxing Euro Association was organized in 1969 /ABEA/; Armenian Boxing Federation was included in ABEA and AIBA in 1993. 
First the winners of Olympic Games were determined by 7 weight classes, then by 8 ones, from 1952 by 10, in 1968 48kg was added, and in 1984 ultra heavy weight was included in Olympic Games – more than 91 kg. At present there are 12 weight classes. 
In 1936 a Cup after Val Barker /a figure of International Boxing Federation/ was determined, which is awarded to the best boxer- participant.

The History Of Soccer

Many Italian historians believe that modern football evolved from "Calcio" - games, common in the XVI century in Florence. And as a result of the proof of the fact that the "Calcio" leather ball was played on the fields the size of 100x50 m.
Modern football began its journey in the XII century medieval England. Then the football played in the market places and even on the narrow streets of the curves. They played from morning till night. The number of playing more than 100 people, with almost no restrictions existed. You could play as arms and legs were allowed to miss a player with the ball, knock him down. Once a player has mastered the ball, immediately rushed him cheerful, boisterous crowd of players. As a result of collapsed stalls in the stalls echoed slivers. In the villages, even the rivers are not used to players obstacle. It happened that some players were drowned while crossing, but it sometimes does not even notice. One writer from England, wrote that they had "bruised cheeks, legs, armsand back were broken, broken eyes, noses, full of blood ...". A traveler Gaston de Foix, watching a game of football, said: "If the British call it a game, what they call a fight?" 
All these violations have not gone unnoticed among the clergy and the feudal lords. Soon, they demanded to ban football. This game seemed to be too dangerous: often under the pretext of going to football dissatisfied. Especially rampage churchmen, who called football a "myth the devil." Favoring the feudal lords, King Edward II in 1313 for bade the football in the city. So the game began to take place on vacant lots outside the city. 
King Edward III in 1333 ordered the sheriffs to pursue the idle classes in a ball game, pointing out that "archery abandoned because of the useless and wicked game of football." The British did not miss the opportunity to file petitions to kings to revoke the ban,but each time refused. In 1389 Richard II banned football in the entire kingdom. Were set very severe penalties, including the death penalty. 
But despite the ban, people continued to play football. And already in 1592 in Scotland, the ban was lifted for football, and in 1603 followed suit, and England. The people managed to defend their favorite game, but for a long time football was considered a "vile," "plebeian" game. 
People are always interested in the question of who invented this game. But history does not specify any year, or the birth place of football. Archaeological excavations have shown that certain "ancestor" of football lived in Ancient Egypt: Scientists have discovered here is not only the images playing ball, but the balls themselves. Historians say the fact that the game ball was kicked favorite pastime of Chinese soldiers - it was two thousand years before our era. They believe that the origins of football are in ancient Rome, and as ancient Greece. 
In different countries, many, many years ago, people gathered in city squares, orvacant lots, and played ball. These games are reminiscent of the soldiers, trying to penetrate the enemy's camp. The winner of the party recognized the play, which is more just swing the ball for a certain trait. In these games, sometimes involving several hundred people. 
Many Italian historians believe that modern football evolved from "Calcio" - games, common in the XVI century in Florence. And as a result of the proof of the fact that the "Calcio" leather ball was played on the fields the size of 100x50 m. 
But it is in England football was first given this name and why the British have every reason to consider themselves the ancestors of the game. Ironically, this event did not happen with the official recognition of the game, and when ... Ban it, when King Edward III in a special decree of the sheriffs of London paid attention to the fact that archery is so useful for young people, has gone by the wayside because of the passion and all sorts of useless "lawless" games such as football. 
The world's first football association was founded in England in 1863 appeared the first football clubs. Here we have developed the first official game rules, which a few decades later received universal recognition.
Date October 26, 1863 was memorable for the fans of football, as in this year at the London Tavern on the Gray Queen Street club representatives newly developed new rules. The representative of one of the club presented a draft code of football first of nine points. These items have been compromised: the game meant and feet and hands. 
FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) was established in May 1904 at a meeting of representatives of seven European countries in Paris. Its first president was Robert Guérin Frenchman. The British Association considered the establishment of the Federation "frivolous" - and joined FIFA in 1946. (For this reason, the first world championships were held without the participation of the pioneers of football.) At the beginning of 2003 in the Federation consisted of 204 countries. It is headed by Joseph Sepp Blatter (from 1998 to the present).

The History Of Tennis

Now there is no real certainty as to who invented the tennis. But the most likely version is that the game was the ancestor of Major Wingfield Walton
Now there is no real certainty as to who invented the tennis. But the most likely version is that the game was the ancestor of Major Wingfield Walton. It is conceived as a tennis fun for guests at receptions at the mansion in Wales. In 1873 were published and the first rules of the game. The basis Wingfield took the game real-tennis, which by then was already widespread in the circles of French aristocracy. 
From historical sources we know that modern tennis terminology appeared in the same period of time as Wingfield borrowed for his game is not just a name, but a lot of French words: Tennis (from Fr. Tenez, commandeth. Form of the verb tenir, «hold"). It means, therefore, "Hold!" This cry in real-player tennis warned opponents that he was going to serve; Bat (from Fr. Raquette) - means "hand";Deuce (derived from the Fr. Deux le jeu, meaning «to both is the game») - is equal to the expense of the game; Engl. love, used to refer to the account of "0" (for example, "40-love» is equivalent to "40-0") comes from Fr. l'oeuf, “the egg," an implicit "zero" in the shape of an egg; counting system in a game of "15", "30", "40" took place from Fr. quinze, trente, quarante, that the French pronunciation is consonant with consistency. In anticipation of fame and the possibility of commercial gain, Wingfield patentedtennis in 1874, but no benefit from it later could not get. Tennis began his fleeting development in the UK and the USA. 
In July, 1877 in Wimbledon, London hosted the first tournament of lawn tennis, was the organizer of the All England Croquet Club and Lawn Tennis (All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club). Participants were required to pay an entrance fee of £ 1 (British pound), the tournament was open to all comers, the winner received a gold award and a finalist- the silver. 
In 1888 founded the Association of Lawn Tennis (Lawn Tennis Association, LTA), which subsequently established 43 rules, many of them are still valid. For 10 years, this association adopted a 73 tournaments. In 1881 established the National Lawn Tennis Association of the USA (United States National Lawn Tennis Association), which is now called the Association of Tennis USA (United States Tennis Association, USTA). 
Its aim was the standardization of competition rules and conduct tournaments. U.S. National Championships for men (US National Men's Singles Championship), which is now called the U.S. Open, was first held in 1881 in Newport, Rhode Island. The corresponding women's tournament, "U.S. National Championships in women” (US National Women's Singles Championships) was first held in 1887. In 1899, four students at Harvard University, conceived the idea of a tennis tournament involving national teams. One of them -Dwight Davis, developed a scheme for the tournament and boughthis own money for the winner of the prize - a silver goblet. The first tournament was held in Brooklyn, ea. Massachusetts in 1900, and was attended by teams of U.S. and UK. 
D. Davis, the team played in the U.S., which unexpectedly won by winning the first three games. Since then, the tournament was held every year (with some exceptions), and after the death of J. Davis in 1945 was named the Davis Cup and is now a popular annual event in the world of tennis. 
Beginning in the 1920s, professional tennis players to earn money, speaking in exhibition matches before the public, which paid for the right to watch the game. For 40 years, professional and amateur tennis were strictly separated - as soon asthe player became a "professional", he had no more right to act in amateurtournaments. But in 1967, LTA has decided to end the division of tennis and the same rights asprofessionals and amateurs in their tournaments. In 1968, the International Tennis Federation, overcoming reluctance, approved the equal rights of players. This marked the beginning of the Open era in tennis today, when all players havethe right to act in any tournament, and the best tennis players of his life to ensure performance in the contests. 
Tennis for a long period was mainly distributed in Australia, UK, USA, France (1891 French Open is held). The four biggest tournaments - Wimbledon, U.S. Open, French Open and Australian Open (held since 1905) became the most prestigious tennis. Oh merged into a single name - "Grand Slam tournaments" - a term borrowed from the card game bridge. To win the Grand Slam, then win all 4 tournaments in a season - the ultimate goal for professional tennis. In 1954 James Van Alen founded the International Gallery of Honor Tennis (International Tennis Hall of Fame)? It is located g.Nyuport, Rhode Island, where the first Open Championship was held the U.S. Open in 1881. In the gallery a lot of exhibits depicting the history of tennis, as well as the gallery ofthe great tennis players and people who contributed to the development of sports.In 1986 the gallery has been officially recognized by the International Tennis Federation.

The History Of Basketball

At the end of last century in 1981, in order to activate the lessons of physical training. James Necemit, a teacher of Spingfield college in the state of Massachusets, invented the game of basketball which during years became sport and within a short period of time it became one of the famous sports in the world
At the end of last century in 1981, in order to activate the lessons of physical training. James Necemit, a teacher of Spingfield college in the state of Massachusets, invented the game of basketball which during years became sport and within a short period of time it became one of the famous sports in the world. 
As far as the ball was thrown into the basket the game was called basketball. In 1904 at the 3rd olympic games of Saint Louis the demonstrative game of basketball played by some enthusiastic people was famed, which in 1919-1931 contributed to the foundation of national federations of basketball in different countries of the world. In 1924 at the 8th Olympic Games held in Paris the first international demonstrative competition was held, where sportsmen of France, Italy, Great Britain, The USA took part. The winners of that competition were from Great Britain. 
On the initiative of basketball national federations, basketball became more popularized, all its belongings, clothes and furnishing were improved and modernized, logical changes were introduced into the game rules, the technique and tactic af the game were formed etc. 
So, in 1898 the baskets were first replaced with iron rings, penalty throwing was introduced into the game rules, in 1896 all types of ball leadings were applied, etc. 
However, some controversies of the existing game rules in the activity of basketball national federations on one side and the development of the sport on the other side bring the necessity about the found a basketball international federation. Uniting eight involved countries of basketball international federations, in 1932 in Geneva basketball international federation was faunded-FIBA. 
In the world of sport the practical and legal status of basketball changed and on the initiative of FIBA and with the efforts of men in 1936 and women in 1976 basketball as a basketball, the technique and tactic of the game were developed and enriched. New ways of ball leading and passing appeared. E.g. jumping and throwing the ball into the ring with one hand. In the technique of the game appeared individual and team actions of attack and defense. For the effective organization of the game for each player. Today FIBA unites more than 160 countries of basketball national federations of five continents through which different important official events are organized and held.

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